JS20 - Zero to Mastery


1 min read

I came across a website that guides you on making 20 JavaScript projects to add to your portfolio.

ZTM Academy

My goal is to finish these, put them into a website and add it to my portfolio. 1 per week.

  1. Spock Rock Game - Confetti.js, Modules
  2. Quote Generator - Fetch, Async/Await, Quote API, CORS
  3. Picture-in-Picture - Picture-in-Picture API, Screen Capture API
  4. Bookmarks App - DOM, localStorage
  5. NASA APOD - Fetch, Async/Await, NASA API, DOM, localStorage
  6. Animated Navigation - CSS Animations
  7. Infinite Scroll - Fetch, Async/Await, Unsplash API, DOM, Scroll Event Listener
  8. Countdown App - Date, localStorage
  9. Music Player - HTML 5 Audio API
  10. Calculator - Math Methods
  11. Splash Page - DOM Basics
  12. Light/Dark Mode - DOM, localStorage
  13. Form Validation - DOM, Forms
  14. Joke Teller - Fetch, Async/Await, Joke API, Text-to-Speech
  15. Video Player - HTML 5 Video API
  16. MS Paint Clone - Advanced HTML Canvas, localStorage
  17. Pong Clone - Advanced HTML Canvas
  18. Math Sprint Game - SetInterval, DOM, Array Methods, localStorage
  19. Animated Template - Template, AOS.js
  20. Drag and Drop - Drag and Drop API, localStorage