恭喜发财!🎉 🧧 #100Devs and Beyond


1 min read

Happy Chinese New Year!

This past week has been a great time to spend with family here in China, and it has also been a bit slower in building up my knowledge in Web Development. I can't say I'm upset about that.

  1. HTML
  2. CSS
  3. JavaScript

Things that I have accomplished have been getting into the #100Devs community with a great group of people. I believe there is over 2000 new and upcoming devs joining this 2022 cohort to have a chance at a better job and better future. I'm in it.

With my background in python, data analytics, and a few years of programming as a hobby under my belt, I feel very confident with what we've been learning.

Key take-aways from the course thus far...

  1. Networking
  2. More networking
  3. Code is okay, but you need to know someone

Those are it. I'll be back for more at a later date.

Also, let's finish up the @freeCodeCamp #javascript course!

Next time!